To Have or To Be

To Have or To Be?

Erich Fromm, 1976

“To Have or To Be?” by Erich Fromm explores the fundamental choices individuals make in their lives—whether to prioritize material possessions (“to have”) or to focus on meaningful relationships and personal growth (“to be”). Fromm critically examines modern consumerist societies, shedding light on the impact of a materialistic mindset on human well-being and interpersonal connections. The book presents a philosophical exploration of these contrasting approaches to life, inviting readers to reflect on their own values and priorities.


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Book Info

Title: “To Have or To Be?”
Author: Erich Fromm
Published: 1976
Focus: Contrasts life choices – pursuing possessions (“to have”) versus meaningful relationships and personal growth (“to be”).
Author Background: Notable psychoanalyst and social philosopher.
Philosophy: Rooted in humanistic and existential perspectives.
Critique: Examines the downsides of modern consumerist societies and materialistic mindsets.
Comparison: Highlights differences between “having” and “being” as central themes.


  • Influence: “To Have or To Be?” is influenced by Erich Fromm’s background in psychology and philosophy, combining insights from both fields.
  • Historical Context: Published in 1976, the book reflects the social and cultural climate of the time, offering a critique of consumerism in post-World War II societies.
  • Language Translations: The book has been translated into numerous languages, allowing its ideas to reach a global audience and sparking discussions on the balance between materialism and personal development.
  • Continued Relevance: Despite its initial publication over four decades ago, the themes explored in the book remain relevant in contemporary discussions on happiness, fulfillment, and societal values.
  • Inspirational Quotes: “To Have or To Be?” features several thought-provoking quotes that have resonated with readers, contributing to its enduring popularity.
