The Conquest of Happiness

The Conquest of Happiness

Bertrand Russell, 1930

“The Conquest of Happiness” by Bertrand Russell is a guide to leading a more joyful life. Russell explores the meaning of happiness and identifies common sources of unhappiness. He emphasizes the importance of finding fulfilling work and cultivating positive relationships. Written with a blend of philosophy and practical advice, the book offers timeless insights into the pursuit of a content and meaningful life, all while sharing personal reflections to make the journey relatable to readers.


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Book Info

Title: The Conquest of Happiness
Author: Bertrand Russell
Year Published: 1930
Genre: Self-help, Philosophy

Key Themes:

  1. Definition of Happiness: Russell explains what happiness means and how it involves more than just the absence of sadness.

  2. Causes of Unhappiness: The book identifies common reasons people feel unhappy, such as fear, envy, and boredom.

  3. Importance of Work: Russell emphasizes the value of finding enjoyable and meaningful work, aligning with one’s interests and abilities.

  4. Role of Social Relations: The author highlights the significance of positive relationships in contributing to overall happiness.

Additional Information:

  • Philosophical Approach: Written by philosopher Bertrand Russell, the book applies deep thinking to the practical pursuit of happiness.

  • Practical Wisdom: Despite its philosophical roots, the book offers practical advice for readers seeking a more content and meaningful life.

  • Timeless Relevance: Even though it was written in 1930, the book’s insights remain applicable today, providing enduring wisdom for those navigating modern life.

  • Holistic Well-being: Russell takes a holistic approach, encouraging readers to consider various aspects of life, from personal relationships to meaningful work, in their quest for happiness.

  • Personal Reflections: The author shares personal stories, making the exploration of happiness relatable and adding a human touch to the philosophical discussions.


  • Unusual Beginnings: Bertrand Russell started writing “The Conquest of Happiness” as a response to a fan letter from a New York psychoanalyst, Dr. Ruth Fox.

  • Historical Context: The book was published in 1930, a time marked by economic challenges, the aftermath of World War I, and the looming threat of the Great Depression.

  • Original Title: The working title of the book was “How to Be Happy Though Human,” but it was eventually changed to “The Conquest of Happiness” before publication.

  • Influence of Freudian Psychoanalysis: Russell’s exploration of happiness is influenced by Freudian psychoanalysis, reflecting the psychological perspectives of the time.

  • Lecture Series Origins: The content of the book originated from a series of lectures Russell delivered at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia in 1929.

  • Controversial Ideas: Russell’s views on marriage and morality in “The Conquest of Happiness” were considered controversial for the time, challenging societal norms.

  • Popular Reception: Despite its initial mixed reviews, the book gained popularity over time and has become a classic in the self-help genre.

  • Enduring Legacy: “The Conquest of Happiness” remains a widely read and referenced work, appreciated for its blend of philosophy and practical advice on well-being.

