

English & Korean Version

Flipbook + Audiobook Done

The Old Man and the Sea
노인과 바다
by Ernest Hemingway

Of Mice and Men
생쥐와 인간
by John E. Steinbeck

Letter from Peking
북경에서 온 편지
by Pearl S. Buck

Strait is the Gate
좁은 문
by Andre Gide

The Little Prince
어린 왕자
by Antoine de Saint Exupery

The Sketch Book
스케치 북
by Washington Irving

Tolstoy’s Short Stories
톨스토이 단편선
by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Fables of Aesop
이솝 우화
by Aesop

Waiting for Godot
고도를 기다리며
by Samuel Beckett

A Streetcar Named Desire
욕망이라는 이름의 전차
by Tennessee Williams

The Call of the Wild
야성의 절규
by Jack London

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
by Richard Bach

English Version

Flipbook + Audiobook Done

K. Mansfield’s Short Stories
by Katherine Mansfield

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain

The Art of Loving
by Erich Fromm

The Summing Up
by W. Somerset Maugham

The Heart of the Matter
by Graham Greene

The Conquest of Happiness
by Bertrand Russell

by Allison Thomas

The Apple Tree
by John Galsworthy

Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen

Indian Summer of a Forsyte
by John Galsworthy

For Whom The Bell Tolls
by Ernest Hemingway

D.H. Lawrence’s Short Stories
by D.H. Lawrence

The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Sherlock Holmes Stories – The Three Students
by Arthur Conan Doyle

A Doll’s House
by Henrik Ibsen

A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

The Moon and Sixpence
by W. Somerset Maugham

Great American Short Stories
by Various Authors

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Brontë

Lord of the Flies
by William Golding

To Have or To Be?
by Erich Fromm

Animal Farm
by George Orwell

The Scarlet Letter
by Nathaniel Hawthorne

E.A. Poe’s Short Stories
by Edgar Allan Poe

Bonjour Tristesse
by Françoise Sagan

Agatha Christie’s Short Stories
by Agatha Christie

The Glass Menagerie
by Tennessee Williams

And Never Said A Word
by Heinrich Böll

A Farewell to Arms
by Ernest Hemingway

The Power and the Glory
by Graham Greene

The Human Comedy
by William Saroyan

Death of a Salesman
by Arthur Miller

Mouse Trap
by Agatha Christie

Tess of D’Urbervilles
by Thomas Hardy

Great English Short Stories
by Various Authors

Fifty Famous Stories
by James Baldwin

Of Human Bondage
by W. Somerset Maugham

Daisy Miller
by Henry James

The Autobiography of Lee Iacocca
by Lee Iacocca

by Hermann Hesse

The Good Earth
by Pearl S. Buck

A. Huxley’s Short Stories
by Aldous Huxley

by Peter Benchley

The Catcher in the Rye
by J.D. Salinger

Goodbye, Mr. Chips
by James Hilton

Daddy Long Legs
by Jean Webster