Great American Short Stories

Great American Short Stories

Various Authors, 20th-21th century

“Great American Short Stories” is a collection of diverse and influential short stories by renowned American authors. Curated by various editors over the years, these anthologies showcase the richness of American literature, featuring works from writers such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Ernest Hemingway. Spanning different time periods, the stories provide insights into American culture and society. The anthology is valued for offering a variety of styles, genres, and perspectives, making it a significant resource for those interested in the breadth of American literary tradition.


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Book Info

Title: Great American Short Stories
Editor: Wallace Stegner (for one notable edition)
Content: A collection of short stories by prominent American authors.
Authors: Includes works by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Henry James, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and others.
Purpose: Showcases the diversity and richness of American literature.
Time Periods: Spans different periods in American literary history.
Themes: Reflects cultural and social contexts of the respective time periods.
Variety: Offers a range of styles, genres, and perspectives.
Significance: Considered a valuable compilation for those interested in American literature.


  • Editorial Variety: The term “Great American Short Stories” has been used for various anthologies edited by different literary figures, contributing to a diverse range of perspectives and selections.

  • Time Span: Editions of these anthologies cover a broad timeline, including classic stories from the 19th century to more contemporary works from the 20th and 21st centuries.

  • Influential Authors: The stories often include works by some of the most influential and iconic American authors, such as Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

  • Cultural Insight: The stories provide readers with a unique glimpse into the cultural and societal contexts of different eras in American history.

  • Educational Use: “Great American Short Stories” anthologies are frequently used in literature courses to introduce students to a wide range of American literary styles and themes.

  • Evolution of Themes: Examining the stories chronologically reveals the evolution of themes in American literature, reflecting changes in society, culture, and literary movements.

  • Adaptations: Some of the short stories included in these anthologies have been adapted into films, plays, or other forms of media, contributing to their enduring popularity.

  • Cross-Genre Representation: The anthologies often feature stories from various genres, including romance, mystery, science fiction, and more, showcasing the diversity of American storytelling.

  • Enduring Popularity: Despite the passage of time, “Great American Short Stories” anthologies continue to be popular among readers, educators, and scholars alike.

  • Gateway to Literature: For many readers, these anthologies serve as a gateway to exploring a wider range of American literature beyond the included short stories.
